Welcome to SCFS!

St. Charles Flying Service is a total FBO proudly serving the Greater St. Louis area for over 35 years. We offer Flight Training from Light Sport to ATP, Single & Multi- Engine; Aircraft Rental, Maintenance, Charter Services, Aerial Advertising and more!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

B25J to enter Pumpkin Drop Competition!!!!

Just announced: The Commerative Air Force has entered the B25J in the Pumpkin Drop Competition.  In addition to competing, the crew will open the bomb bay doors and cap off the competition by dropping a load of pumpkins o the target.  Don't miss this!!!  For details, contact SCFS.  To register for the competition, contact nick-loftus@hotmail.com.  Don't forget to visit the CAF's webpage: http://www.cafmo.org/

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's another gorgeous day. Come on out and fly!

2nd Annual Pumpkin Drop Competition & BBQ - Saturday, Oct. 30th

Join us on Saturday, October 30th for the 2nd Annual Pumpkin Drop Competition and BBQ, 12-5PM.  Registration begins at 1:00PM.  $20.00 for 3 pumpkins.  Check our website (http://www.stcharlesflyingservice.com/) for more details.  See you there!!!

SCFS now at KSET

As of July 1, 2010 St. Charles Flying Service, Inc. has relocated to Hangar #6 at St. Charles County Airport, Smartt Field (KSET).

Monday, May 10, 2010

Learn to Fly Day - Saturday, May 15th

Saturday, May 15th is International Learn to Fly Day.  Bring a friend or family member, neighbor, co-worker...anyone who has ever shown the slightest interest in learning to fly.  There will be free learn to fly seminars, Introductory Flights, Food, Prizes and Fun.  If you're interested in being here to help out, talk to prospective pilots,donate food or beverages, please give me a call @ 636-946-6066 or email: dave@stcharlesflyingservice.com.  Please spread the word to everyone and everywhere, school, work, the gym, church...We Need Pilots!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Accuracy Landing League Starts TODAY!!!!

Join us at SCFS this afternoon for the first round of the Accuracy Landing League!!!!  Join in the competition or just watch the "athletes" and have some fun at the airport.  Safety/Rules briefing at 3PM, competition starts at 4PM.  $10.00 entry fee . . . no charge to watch!!!!  See you there!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Visit the SCFS "Hall of Fame"

Keep up with all the recent accomplishments at SCFS.  Visit our new Hall of Fame page at our website: Hall of Fame

Private Pilot Ground School - Wednesday, March 10th

The next session of the Private Pilot Ground School now enrolling for a Wednesday, March 10th start date*.  If interested, please call us @ 636-946-6066 or e-mail dave@stcharlesflyingservice.com.

*Contingent upon minimum enrollment.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Accuracy Landing League Begins Sunday, February 28th!!!

The date for the first round of the SCFS Accuracy Landing League will be this Sunday, February 28th.  If you're planning on being a part of the league, please arrive at 3SQ by 3PM for a Rules and Safety briefing given by League Organizer, Nick Loftus, CFI.

If you have any questions or need information, please call us at 636-946-6066, e-mail Nick directly: nick-loftus@hotmail.com or contact Dave Pressy: dave@stcharlesflyingservice.com.

See you there!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Accuracy Landing League

We had so much fun with the first accuracy landing league that we are organizing another league!  The competitions will be held every other Sunday at 4 p.m. for 8 weeks (this means 4 competitions).  We will have an official starting date when we generate enough sign ups to form a league.  The entry fee for the competition will be $10 per person.  100% of the fee will go towards the league prizes for 1st (50%), 2nd (35%), and 3rd (15 %).   

During each bi-weekly competition each participant will get 3 landing attempts, and thus 12 total attempts for the entire league.  If you are trying to figure costs, we figure it will take around .3 or .4 hours per person for each competition, therefore in total, it will require from 1.2 to 1.6 hours for the entire competition per person.  If you own an aircraft, you may use it in the landing competition.  If you are interested please send us an e-mail response with your name, e-mail, and phone number or call, so we can contact everyone once we have enough people. 

If you have any questions please contact Nick Loftus at 217-649-0999 or nick-loftus@hotmail.com.  You may also call St. Charles Flying Service at 636-946-6067 for more information.

Come Show Your Piloting Abilities At Muni!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Winter Weekend: Let's Go Fly!!!

The snow has moved on (for now) and the sun is out once again! Plus a little breeze adds to the challenge. Practiced your crosswind landings lately? Have you ever flown with snow on the ground? Winter affords us many opportunities to add new skills and experiences, but many of us hang up our headset until spring. Why not grab your coat and get up in the air!? You can always take an instructor with you to help you increase those personal minimums and build confidence.

Want to focus on something specific with you winter flying? SCFS offers mini-courses on Night Flying, Towered Airports & IFR for VFR Pilots. Taking advantage of these affordable, informative courses during the winter months keeps you current & confident for the spring flying season...

See you up there!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Great Weekend Weather...Finally!

Well, it's about time. After an agonizingly long stretch of poor flying weather, we finally have blue skies and favorable conditions. I encourage everyone who's been wanting to stretch their wings to come on out and take advantage of the great weather. Sure, it's a little on the chilly side, but the airplane's performance is better and with a few extra layers and a few extra minutes to get things warmed up, you can enjoy the miracle of flight!

A note on cold weather flying: remember to review and FOLLOW the cold weather starting procedures in the aircraft POH. If you've never read them, take the time to do so. Also, modify your normal checklist procedures with "common sense" items related to the low temps: don't check lights and flaps during preflight when on battery power. This will severely reduce the available charge for starting, which can even ruin a perfectly good battery. Use enough prime and throttle on start and don't continue cranking the starter if the engine doesn't fire on the first few blades. This can run down the battery and "frost" the plugs. If you're unsure or uncomfortable with cold weather starting, ask one of our knowledgeable Flight Instructors for assistance. No charge! (Pardon the pun ;)

Enjoy the nice weather and Fly Safe!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congratulations Dennis Bampton & Matt Becker

Two of our SCFS Family were honored this past weekend at the annual Aviation Awards Banquet hosted by the GSLFIA and FAASTeam.  Dennis received the James G. Byrnes award (yup, the guy they named BYRNS intersection after) and Matt received the award for New CFI of the Year.  Congratulations to both of them and thanks to everyone who came out to eat, drink and support all of this years honorees.

Thanks for coming out to the MACTS/Learn To Fly Event!

A special thanks to everyone who stopped by the SCFS MACTS Booth on Saturday and especially to those who stopped by and/or helped out with the 1st Annual "Stop Looking Up There and Get Up There: Learn to Fly!" Event.  Several people came out to find out about learning to fly and what this whole aviation thing is all about.  It was nice to chat with new people and have some fun flying the simulator on the "big screen".  I think we intorduced some folks to that thing we all love to do: FLY!!!!

But let's not stop there: if you know anyone who has ever thought about learning to fly, send them out to the airport!  Let's keep the pilot population growing . . .

Friday, January 22, 2010

2010 Midwest Aviation Conference & Trade Show

Join SCFS at the this year's MACTS: Saturday January 23rd from 9AM-12PM at the Maryland Heights Centre.  Stop by the SCFS booth, listen to some great speakers, including Mr. Bruce Landsberg, President of the AOPA Air Safety Foundation and see what St. Louis Aviation has to offer.  We're all in this together, so come out and show your support for GA!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stop Looking up There and Get Up There: LEARN TO FLY

Join SCFS and GSLFIA for a FREE public event this Sunday, January 24th at the Maryland Heights Centre...

New SCFS Blog!!

We created this blog for a more up to date way to inform students, renters and base customers of upcoming events, new development, or just keep in touch with the SCFS "Family".  Blog away!