Welcome to SCFS!

St. Charles Flying Service is a total FBO proudly serving the Greater St. Louis area for over 35 years. We offer Flight Training from Light Sport to ATP, Single & Multi- Engine; Aircraft Rental, Maintenance, Charter Services, Aerial Advertising and more!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Accuracy Landing League

We had so much fun with the first accuracy landing league that we are organizing another league!  The competitions will be held every other Sunday at 4 p.m. for 8 weeks (this means 4 competitions).  We will have an official starting date when we generate enough sign ups to form a league.  The entry fee for the competition will be $10 per person.  100% of the fee will go towards the league prizes for 1st (50%), 2nd (35%), and 3rd (15 %).   

During each bi-weekly competition each participant will get 3 landing attempts, and thus 12 total attempts for the entire league.  If you are trying to figure costs, we figure it will take around .3 or .4 hours per person for each competition, therefore in total, it will require from 1.2 to 1.6 hours for the entire competition per person.  If you own an aircraft, you may use it in the landing competition.  If you are interested please send us an e-mail response with your name, e-mail, and phone number or call, so we can contact everyone once we have enough people. 

If you have any questions please contact Nick Loftus at 217-649-0999 or nick-loftus@hotmail.com.  You may also call St. Charles Flying Service at 636-946-6067 for more information.

Come Show Your Piloting Abilities At Muni!!